

  Application -> Rehabilitation 
Between 35 and 43 million people in the United States have a condition that results in a limitation of physical activities. Annual expense in rehab is approximately $170 billion. More than 13 million patients require some or significant assistance with physical activity and daily living. The rehabilitation industry continues to grow, partly because of increased lifespan and partly advanced surgical procedures.

Ideal tool for Rehabilitation Assessment

IDEEA®-- a portable gait lab is the perfect device for rehabilitation assessment because it provides quantitative and most accurate data for the evaluation of functional performance, type and amount of activities of daily living (ADL), and assessment of postures and body motion.


IDEEA® activity monitor provides monitoring and assessment conveniently during the entire process of treatment -- in the hospital or at home, daytime or evenings. The number of gaits made, the distance traveled, the speed of the walking and running, and the duration and intensity of stair climbing and descending, all these can be recorded before, during and after a treatment program, and viewed easily in numerous ways.

prognosis and functional level of a patient compared to others can be visualized and reported objectively, accurately, and conveniently with the dedicated software package and database. An urgent request from The National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research is to design devices and methods that can assess differential treatment effectiveness. IDEEA® -- a portable gait analysis system will fit into this application very well. We will actively engage with researchers and clinicians and provide support for their research, grant application, and clinical assessment.



Below is  the outcome of 22 TKA patients using IDEEA LifeGait portable gait analysis system. Patients walked 40 meters twice. The bar chart displays 6 parameters from the LifeGait gait analysis system at  pre-op, 3 and 6 months post-op.

Rate of recovery is defined as % ratio of parameters from gait analysis at pre-op/3/6/months compared with controls: Step Length recovery: 67/79/86%, Velocity: 57/72/81%, Cadence: 85/91/95%, Initial DLS: 82/96/99%, Terminal Swing: 54/67/79%, Ground Impact: 54/72/84%. All these 6 parameters have significant differences between pre-op and 6 months post-op.  

                          T is the standard deviation.
  • Researchers 1 Clinician 2 Trainers 3 Rehabilitation 4

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