IDEEA® system -- a portable gait
analysis system and physical activity (ADL) monitor records hundreds millions data points of daily
activities, postures, and exercises on 24-hr basis, analyzes
these data with high intelligence, detailed to every second,
every move you made, or every step you walked.
The ActView (GaitView)TM program allows you
to manage these data and view them in the form of charts,
tables, curves, or ”°movie-like”± animation. Quantitative and
accurate results can be obtained with just a few key
strokes/clicks, either on a display, a printer, or using the
GaitReport.xlsm -- an ExcelTM program we created for
you. |
has a Main Recorder, which connects with SubRecorders and
limb sensors wirelessly, using extremely reliable (error
rate< 0.00001%) technology. It sends all detailed recordings
to a PC using very fast USB upload. |
| |
system is so small that you can do basically anything while wearing it.
Sensors are also extremely small so that you feel almost nothing during
daily work or exercise such as walking, running, sitting and sleeping.
( Picture.1) (Picture.2)
is a Windows program that shows you final results as well as raw
data. These include postures, activity, exercise, and
detailed gait and function analysis in the form of
pie chart, histograms, tables and statistical analysis. You
can review any activity of interest at any moment, detailed to
every step of walking or running, every second during office
hour or sleep, or you can review the summary of any type of
activities, ranging from a few minutes to multiple days. It also
can play back the animation of activities, displaying the type,
amount, duration, and intensity of activities and related energy
expenditure in the form of curves, strip charts, and statistical
data. Results of any time period during recording can be
displayed, analyzed, and printed out within seconds, with the
click of a few buttons.
Posture Analysis
and Gait Analysis