A Revolutionary Advance in Portable Gait Analysis by MiniSun- the World Leader in Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure
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Technical Specifications
32-bit Advanced Microprocessor, operating at 60MHz. This powerful Microprocessor enables real time data acquisition, intelligent data processing, and data compression. A total of 5 microprocessors are within the IDEEA System to perform dedicated tasks. They also provide plenty of room for future use.
Both RAM and flash memories are provided for fast data access and permanent data recording. Data is retained when the power is out and battery is exhausted.
Storage Capacity
When IDEEA® Recorder is used for normal storage of gait analysis parameters and activities of daily living (ADL), it stores 21 data points per row and 64 rows per second for approximately 7 days: A minimum of 21 data points x 64 rows x 3600 seconds x 48hrs = 232,243,200 data points can be stored. On average, it stores >1000MB of data.
Communication with PC
Through a USB Port(2.0 or 3.0)with dedicated high-speed software on both ends to enable extremely fast and reliable data transfer. Interfacing cable and software packs for IDEEA is provided to make it possible for in-depth studies of daily physical activities and portable gait analysis on 24-hr basis.
Eight sets of sensors, each being able to measure angles of body segments and movement (acceleration) in 3 orthogonal directions. Sensors of extremities send data wirelessly to facilitate motion during activity and sports. Data of 21 channels are visible for portable gait analysis and daily functional movement analysis.
Power and Battery
Power minimization has been the core to IDEEA design in the last 15 years. Sample rates ranges from 256Hz down to 1Hz for various signals. Current consumption is extremely low (~10mA total). When charged, the battery lasts 60 hours or longer.
Size and Weight
IDEEA® MainRecorder
Size: 7.8 x 5.5 x1.9 = 79 cm3
Weight: 150 gram, including battery and sensors
Size: approximately 18mm x 15mm x 2.9mm, size of a nickel.
Weight: approximately 2 grams, weight of a penny.
Wireless transmission
Less than 1/1,000,000 error rate of transmission.
High-resolution Color LCD, with 38,720 pixels.
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